what to expect

  • an integrated understanding of how the nervous system works
  • concepts and techniques to settle and soothe stress and anxiety
  • name, locate and befriend areas of chronic tension.
  • develop pathways that lead to calm connection within; the quiet, tranquil space of Yoga

Cancellation Policy

  • Refund window closes 3 weeks prior to training start date; all monies forfeited thereafter
  • Credit card processing fees apply

Yoga & the Nervous System

discovering the quiet practice

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What if the ‘new normal’ was not living on high-alert? What if you had tools that could assist you in slowing down and doing that resting thing so many people post about? What if you understood more clearly how the nervous system works on our behalf and led to a deeper experience of Yoga on and off the mat? Join Bobbie Marchand for an afternoon of discovery and practice. Through practical understanding, you’ll learn an overview of the nervous system and how to work with it! Tips, tricks, hacks and tools to develop stamina for an easeful way of being.


12:00-2:00pm Nervous System Geek-out Sesh

2:00-2:30pm break

2:30-5:00pm PRACTICE! (Self Acupressure, Yin, Restorative and Yoga Nidra!)

Pursuing her love of dance, Bobbie, a graduate of Canada’s National Ballet School moved from her native Toronto to New York in 2005. Though the equation of Dancer to Yoga Teacher is a common one; it was a life-altering illness that tuned her into the power of a daily, dedicated Yoga practice.
Pretty soon, the practice became a way of life, with lessons learned on the mat melding with every day relationships and events.

A sweet, soulful Teacher, Bobbie encourages students to refine and integrate the many aspects of Yoga, both on and off the mat. Her richly textured classes are designed to serve and nurture the ‘whole person’. Sequences are anchored in breath; and through dynamic, alignment-inspired asana, practitioners are encouraged to harness both structure and support; strengthening the body/mind feedback loop, generating greater kinaesthetic awareness.

In contrast, her classes foster creativity and expression through free-form movement; cultivating curiosity and multidirectional possibilities that can open doors to the intuitive, Spiritual Self.

Bobbie also is an advocate for ‘experiential rest’, a practice of bringing and observing the body and mind in a state of deep tranquility. She draws on tools from a deep love of Yin and Restorative practices to soothe and reset the nervous system. These classes are an invitation to pause, turn inward to a felt sense of support and take the practice to a quiet, nourishing place.

Endless gratitude to Teachers: Diana Lockett, Amanda Harding, Raghunath and Kaustubha Das and His Holiness Radhanath Swami for their encouragement, support and loving guidance on this incredible path.