Urban Devi is a monthly interactive women’s discussion circle that seeks to make spirituality accessible to women in the 21st century. Each session will focus on a theme based on topics that are of importance to women and will offer insight and practical applications from the practice of Bhakti Yoga.


a women’s discussion group

led by Rukmini Walker, Damodar Priya Devi Dasi & Surabhi Govinda Devi Dasi

date – sunday – march 23

time – 11:00am – 12:30pm EDT

location – online via zoom

topic – Spiritual Evolution Beyond the Chaos

speaker – Ananga Manjari Devi Dasi


Description: We will address tools that keep us focused on the essential spiritual purpose of our human journey, especially during turbulent times.

Speaker: Ananga Manjari Devi Dasi

what to expect

  • wise, kindhearted & experienced group leader
  • wisdom from the bhakti tradition
  • friendly sincere seekers

your speaker

Ananga Manjari has dedicated her life to the theological teachings and spiritual practices of the Vedas for 55 years under the guidance of her spiritual teacher, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.

As an Interfaith Reverend Doctor, Counselor, and Inspirational Speaker, she shares her insights from a broad spiritual perspective that combines Western thoughts and experiences with profound ancient Vedic wisdom.  She offers us a practical and fresh perspective on how to live Bhakti-Love in the present day.