what to expect

  • seasoned bhakti practitioner host
  • open hearted and personal discussion
  • exciting journey into Puranic (Yogic) texts
  • biographies of saints and sages 
  • refreshing company with spiritual seekers
  • special guests
  • music, dance, artistic/ cultural performances 
  • visually exciting 
  • vegan treats

Tuesdays with Yogi Greene

Weekly Spiritual Discussions

dates – weekly tuesdays – september 26th session has been cancelled. 

times – 6:30 – 7:30pm

admission – free

location – the bhakti center / 5E yoga studio

for more information, please write to Champakalata at champaka@bhakticenter.org

Here’s an exciting, innovative way to enhance your spiritual practices while deepening your familiarity with the founder of the Bhakti movement, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1533). 

For the past 20 years, author/filmmaker Joshua M. Greene (Yogesvara) has been facilitating weekly gatherings of Bhakti practitioners and friends. These well-attended discussions began at Jivamukti Yoga on Broadway in 2003. Jivamukti has closed its New York location, and the Bhakti Center is delighted to serve as the new home for Yogesvara’s Tuesday gatherings. 

Each week, attendees will hear an episode from the life of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, followed by discussion of its relevance to the lives of attendees and to issues of global concern. Chaitanya was a fearless defender of minorities, a pioneer of kirtan chanting, and a mystic lover of the Divine whose ecstasies have been immortalized in poetry and drama. The sessions feature special guests, performances, and a vegan treat.

Whether you are a newcomer to devotional life or a seasoned veteran, Tuesdays with Yogi Greene will enrich your daily sadhana and add to your knowledge of the Chaitanya movement. 

Joshua M. Greene (Yogesvara das) received first initiation from Srila Prabhupada in 1970 and second initiation in 1972. During thirteen years in ISKCON, he served as president of several temples, head of ISKCON’s French publishing office, editor of Back to Godhead magazine, and founder of Bala Books children’s publishing. Currently, he serves on the board of the Bhaktivedanta Institute and as mediator for ISKCON Resolve.

Yogesvara earned his Masters Degree in Religious Studies at Hofstra University, where he taught Holocaust Studies from 2003-2013. He has been a featured speaker on war crimes at the Pentagon and the Judge Advocates College and was featured in the New York Public Library Distinguished Authors series. He is also a documentary filmmaker whose films about Holocaust history are seen on PBS and Discovery. His biographies of Holocaust survivors have sold more than a half-million copies. His current bestseller, Signs of Survival (Scholastic) has been optioned by Steven Spielberg’s company Amblin Entertainment for adaptation as a TV miniseries.

His devotional writings include Here Comes the Sun: The Spiritual and Musical Journey of George Harrison; Gita Wisdom: An Introduction to India’s Essential Yoga Text; and Swami in a Strange Land, an ISKCON-authorized biography of Srila Prabhupada. He is currently working on a biography of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.