An online course for more seasoned practitioners of bhakti. Topics include Krishna’s qualities, his personality, and various other stimulants of ecstatic love for him such as his flute, his smile and his devotees. Other topics are various feelings and symptoms advanced devotees experience at the stage of bhava-bhakti. 


part 2 (chapters 20 – 34)

date – july 22nd – september 9th

time – 7:00pm – 8:30pm

location – zoom

speakers – Vasudeva Das

admission – donation based

contact Vasudeva with any questions

This course is especially relevant, but not exclusive to, those who have studied the first 19 Chapters of the Nectar of Devotion. The subject of Part 2 of the Nectar of Devotion (Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu) is sāmānya-bhagavad-bhakti-rasa, “General Symptoms of Transcendental Mellows.” Śrīla Prabhupāda writes:

“The particular loving mood or attitude relished in the exchange of love with the Supreme Personality of Godhead is called rasa, or mellow. The different types of rasa, when combined together, help one to taste the mellow of devotional service in the highest degree of transcendental ecstasy. Such a position, although entirely transcendental to our experience, will be explained in this section as far as possible, following in the footsteps of Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī.”

Topics include Krishna’s qualities, his personality, and various other stimulants of ecstatic love for him such as his flute, his smile and his devotees. Other topics are various feelings and symptoms advanced devotees experience at the stage of bhava-bhakti. 

what to expect

  • community of spiritual seekers
  • warm and open atmosphere
  • knowledgeable teacher
  • authentic wisdom presented in a relevant manner
  • inspiring talks

your teacher

Vasudeva Das, originally from the Netherlands, started his journey on the path of bhakti in 1997 Since then, he has lived as a monk for 16 years in various ashrams in India and Europe, engaged in intensive practice of bhakti-yoga and study of Sanskrit and Vedic bhakti texts such as the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. He received initiation in the bhakti lineage of Sri Caitanya in 2003 from his guru, HH Kadamba Kanana Swami. In 2016 he earned a BA in Vaishnava Bhakti Theology with honors from the University of Chester, UK. Vasudeva currently lives with his wife in the East Village, New York City, where he serves as the head priest and senior educator at the Bhakti Center. As a scholar of Sanskrit, he is engaged in various translation projects and also tutors individual students. Vausdeva’s main aspiration in life, however, is to constantly serve Krishna (God) and his devotees with a selfless and humble heart.

cancelation policy

Refund window closes 3 weeks prior to training start date; all monies forfeited thereafter. Credit card processing fees apply.