in-person festival


  saturday, april 5

  saturday, may 10

time – 4:00pm – 10:00pm

location – Bhakti Center/temple room

admission free

*for any questions, please reach out to

Please register with reception upon arrival. 


Please join us for NYC’s monthly 6 hour kirtan, a space dedicated for the NYC and the broader community to come together and deepen their relationship to the Holy Name through meditative, ecstatic kirtans, and singing songs from the Bhakti tradition. This program aims to strengthen our internal community and cultivate a prayerful and intentional approach to kirtan. Join us from 4-10 PM one Saturday every month!

what to expect

  • Engage in 6 hours of meditative and ecstatic kirtans
  • Cultivate a prayerful and intentional mood
  • Discover and participate in singing songs from the bhakti tradition
  • Strengthen community bonds
  • Vegan meal