Help people to discover their strengths and nature so they can find
deeply satisfying career success and harmonious balance between their career and spiritual life.


A 4-day immersion w/ Dr. Urmila Edith Best

Date & Time: April 24th – 27th

Thursday, April 24th | 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Friday – April 25th | 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Saturday – April 26th | 10:00am – 5:00pm (lunch included)

Sunday – April 27th | 10:00am – 5:00pm (lunch included)

Speakers – Dr. Urmila Edith Best

Admission – $197

Contact with any questions

Become a certified Career Dharma coach in 4 days

Are you inspired by helping people to discover their strengths and nature so they can find deeply satisfying career success and harmonious balance between their career and spiritual life?

You will learn and practice helping others to identify their ideal career field and prosperity type, progress towards dharmic mastery, and learn the secrets of making their work deeply meaningful. You’ll learn how to help others to apply the principles of devotional living to their career, and their career will thus enthuse their spiritual practices with deep meaning and taste.

Required prerequisite in order to attend the course (one or more of the following):
1) have read at least parts one and two of the Career Dharma book
2) attended in person the full five sessions of Career Dharma taught by Urmila Edith Best
3) completed the Career Dharma on-line course

Only one (or more) of the above is required to attend. Ideally, some background or experience with coaching, counseling, and/or teaching will make it easier to follow the course materials and achieve certification. It may also be good to keep in mind that traditionally, this kind of counseling and coaching is done by those who are themselves in the Field of Ideas or the Field of Government.

Certification is based on demonstrated proficiency, not just attendance. The criteria for certification is:

  • Be able to explain the six prosperity types and the four fields (the four fields both in terms of specific careers and temperaments)
  • Write the nine principles of Career Dharma from memory
  • Explain common misconceptions and demonstrate avoiding them them in class interactions and practice coaching
  • Be able to help at least three people in class to understand their prosperity types and field (principle 1)
  • Be able to help at least one person make a plan for working in their career dharmically (principles 3-7)

Volunteer as a Consultee

Personal, on-site or on-line coaching to learn one’s natural career field and prosperity type!

You will receive 1-2 hours of coaching, most likely from coaches who are in training, while being supervised by an experienced coach.

Requirements for receiving career dharma coaching:
One or more of the following:

  • Have read part one of Career Dharma: The Natural Art of work (Chapters 2-7)
  • Completed the four module on-line Career Dharma course
  • Attended the five part in-person Career Dharma classes
  • Watched the five parts of the Career Dharma classes on-line

Traveling and looking for lodging? 


For information on lodging at ISKCON Brookyln.

what to expect

  • career dharma coach certification
  • on-site training
  • knowledgeable teacher
  • interactive training
  • delicious vegan lunch

your teacher

Dr. Urmila Edith Best, with a doctorate in education , has circled the world over 20 times, delivering workshops and one-on-one coaching. She has helped hundreds of people in dozens of countries find meaningful success in careers that resonate with their own values and nature. Dr. Best surveyed nearly 400 people on six continents for her in-depth research that explored the relationship between overall job satisfaction and various aspects of work, including spiritual faith and practice. She worked as a teacher and school principal for 27 years.

cancelation policy

Refund window closes 3 weeks prior to training start date; all monies forfeited thereafter. Credit card processing fees apply.