A online forum for all things Bhakti. All are welcome, Acyuta and Kishor will answer any questions regarding your Bhakti curiosities. 

“Faith is created by association with devotees. “

—Srila Prabhupada 

“Out of all kinds of desirable things experienced in the life of a living entity, association with the devotees of the Lord is the greatest. When we are separated from a devotee even for a moment, we cannot enjoy happiness.”

—Brhad Bhagavatamrta 1.5.44


an online discussion for bhakti enthusiasts

dates – saturday –  may 18th  (continuing biweekly)

time – 10:30 – 11:30am

location – online, zoom link distributed after registration

admission – free

teachers – Acyuta Gopi and Kishor Chandra

If you have any questions please email maryallison@bhakticenter.org

What is Bhakti? What is this path of “devotional service?” Why do we wear tilak? Why do we wear sacred beads on our necks? How do we progress in our Bhakti? No question is too small or too big for your tribe. When dreaming up an idea for creating a sanga or a community, our ultimate goal was to create:

  • A safe space where all are welcome
  • A space to be able to answer and address a host of different questions that we might have encountered throughout the years. 
  • A place to help others find their tribe. 

Simple Spirituality aims to be that space. We will have bi-weekly meetings online with like minded spiritualists in order to check in with each other and speak about many of these questions, ranging from the very beginnings of Bhakti all the way up to what our proposed goals are within our devotional life. This is a space to serve together, because by serving with one another and hearing from one another we grow together and create the strongest, most unbreakable bonds in the entire universe.

what to expect

  1. Online sanga with like minded seekers
  2. Safe space to ask questions about the Bhakti path 
  3. Wisdom talks and person guidance

meet your teachers

Acyuta Gopi, India Pilgrimage Leader

For as long as she can remember, Kirtan or the Bhakti Yoga practice of mantra meditation through music has been the focus of Acyuta Gopi‘s life. The art of writing soon took up residence in the spaces of her heart not occupied by music, and the transformative power of prayer soon followed suit. With the blessings of her family and teachers, Acyuta has had the amazing fortune to travel the world singing, writing, and witnessing those heart transformations that she loves so much, first hand. Conducting workshops, classes and seminars on kirtan has absolutely changed her life for the better, and she can’t think of a better way to live. Now along with her family, she’s focused her efforts on the NYC community and pouring her heart into the beautiful practices of Kirtan, writing, and the incredibly transformative tradition of Bhakti Yoga.

Kishor Chandra, Retreat Leader

Kishor Chandra is a yoga teacher, bhakti practitioner, and kirtan leader. Always seeking deeper truths and a higher purpose Kishor moved to India when he was 21 years old. There he lived in ashrams and studied the ancient yogic philosophy of the Vedas and yoga asana under the tutelage of master yogis. Kishor leads workshops, trainings, and retreats all over the world but his home base is the Bhakti Center where he serves as the Yoga Director. He has studied under the guidance of master teachers His Holiness Radhanath Swami, Kulavadhuta Satpurananda, Dr. Gajendra Kumar, Raghunath Cappo, Jaya Jagannath das, Dana Flynn, Abbie Galvin, Nevine Michaan, Benjamin Sears and others.